Take Away Ideas from Dominant and Non-Dominant Hand

Having spent the last 5 days together, we have been stretching and expanding our ideas. Today, Bill Donius had us write about our best take away ideas from this week. Now, share your best take aways from both your dominant hand discoveries and from your non-dominant hand discoveries. 

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My dominant hand animal was a turtle, and the task I've set for myself when I return to Monterey is to remember the design process we experienced this week when i proceed with my project, in asking the persons I am providing a service for in stating their own needs, listening deeply, and building something together.  This is very turtle-like, because it requires patience, stamina, and a tough shell to put my own needs aside in order to construct something of true value to the community.

My non-dominant hand animal was a cheetah, and that is what I need for this discovery I'm taking away this week, that I should stand by my convictions, not being afraid of failure, and travel at light speed to my goals.

This experience was indeed an eye opener for me. I always thought I was a creative person, but never realized the connection between my dominant hand and my non-dominant hand. As I look through Bill's book I am excited about all the possibilities this new information will provide for me. I am looking forward into digging deep into it and applying it to all aspect of my life. I am willing and able to grow and expand my insights into who I really am.

This week helped me separate the process from the product.  My goal was to find ways to energize the teacher consultants at my site and to prepare for the leadership transition that will happen this fall.  My partner and I decided that we could use the occasion of our 20th anniversary to reach out to our tcs, explore their interests and concerns,  identify how our site would move forward.  We agreed on the occasion, which was easy because our real objective is TC activity, so the outcome on October 5, or whenever we have the anniversary, is less important than an inclusive process that involves a substantial number of our TCs.  Designing the celebration will be only the first of many application of responsive design to our site planning process.

I <3 "be disruptive!!

Samuel Reed said:

Take A Ways from our  3rdSpace Colab Time Together

Dominate Hand Thoughts

Inquire (More) Into My Practice

Create Opportunities for More Discoveries

Collaboration is a give and take process

Re-shift from Covert Approaches to Boldly Telling Our Stories

Non Dominant Thoughts

Be Disruptive

Dont Be Afriad to Fail


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